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The Bad Movies Podcast

May 6, 2019

Live Action so nice they made it twice. Who would have foreseen a sequel to the 2002 classic coming to fruition, and with a nearly identical team?! Blessed am I to say that this is likely the cap off for our Scooby Doo series on this podcast (for now). And what a way to go out! They covered toxic masculinity, buffoonery, and Shaggy got buff! It’s not exactly what you may have pictured for this franchise, but hey neither was Spooky Island and the grossly inappropriate Scrappy Doo. All things considered, this was a fun time. And as a result this episode is one of my personal favorites. Be sure to tune in to catch the halfway mark where we had a bit of a technical surprise! Featuring Special Guest Star ‘Shay Boogie’ Maddy ‘Defreaky’ DeFreece!




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